Boosting’s Lead Generation: A 14-Day Success Story with Google Ads

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How Did We Generate High-Quality Leads for in Just 14 Days?


In the ever-evolving landscape of financial services, standing out and generating high-quality leads is a significant challenge., a forward-thinking company specializing in AI-driven gold investing strategies, recognized the need to expand its reach and attract potential investors. They turned to Feature Digital for a solution. Our mission was clear: generate high-quality leads from Australia in a cost-effective manner. Leveraging the power of Google Ads, we embarked on a targeted campaign that would deliver impressive results in just 14 days.


The Objective:

Generate high-quality leads from Australia in a cost-effective manner for using Google Ads.


Setting the Scene: is a forex and financial services company specializing in AI-driven gold investing strategies. They approached us with a clear goal: “We need more high-quality leads from Australia.”

Despite having a solid foundation, needed a boost in lead generation to expand their reach and impact. The competitive nature of the forex and financial services industry required a strategic and targeted approach.


The Strategy:

Google Ads:

  • Platform: Google Ads
  • Launch Date: July 1, 2024
  • End Date: July 14, 2024
  • Budget: $396
  • Duration: 2 weeks

Target Audience:

  • Geographic: Australia
  • Demographic: Targeting individuals with buying power or those with sufficient financial resources to invest but lacking familiarity with forex trading.
  • Interests: Forex trading, gold investing, financial services

Market Context:

The forex investment market is highly competitive, filled with YouTube gurus, Instagram “experts,” and numerous online courses. had initially relied on word-of-mouth and organic social media growth, which helped them build a decent following. However, this growth had stagnated, and they hadn’t seen significant increases in their lead generation efforts for some time.


Ad Content:

We developed a variety of visually appealing ads to highlight the unique benefits of’s services:

  • Image Ads: Designed to attract attention with compelling visuals and clear, impactful messages.
  • Video Ads: Short, engaging videos that effectively communicate the advantages of’s offerings.
  • Responsive Ads: Automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit available ad spaces on Google’s network, ensuring optimal performance.

These ad types were crafted to attract and engage the target audience effectively, ensuring maximum impact and lead generation. All ads directed users to the contact form on the website to gather leads efficiently.


Campaign Execution:

We launched the campaign on July 1st and monitored its performance daily until July 14th. The ads was chosen for its ability to combine the best features of search and display ads, offering a comprehensive and efficient approach to lead generation. Here’s what we did:


  • Optimization: We found that image ads were performing exceptionally well, so we focused on enhancing our visual content.
  • Budget Allocation: The 35-44 age group showed the highest engagement, prompting us to allocate more budget to this demographic.
  • Ad Content: Ads emphasizing “AI-driven investing” resonated most with our audience, leading us to create more of those.


The campaign ran from July 1 to July 14, 2024, yielding impressive results:

  • Total Leads Produced: 45
  • Total Spend: $396
  • Clicks: 450
  • Conversions: 232
  • Cost per Conversion: $1.71
  • Impressions: 20,000
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): 2.23%
  • Conversion Rate: 38.03%


Key Learnings:

  1. Creatives Matter: High-quality visuals and clear messaging significantly improved engagement and conversions. The visually appealing ads drew attention and prompted action from the target audience.
  2. Constant Optimization: Daily monitoring and adjustments ensured efficient budget use and high lead quality. By continuously tweaking the campaign based on real-time data, we maximized performance and ROI.
  3. Accurate Targeting: Precision in targeting is crucial for reaching the right audience and achieving cost-effective lead generation. The ability to hone in on specific demographics and interests allowed us to connect with potential investors effectively.


Google Ads proved to be highly effective, outperforming traditional search and display ads. Its comprehensive targeting capabilities and integration of various ad formats allowed for optimized performance and superior lead generation results. It enabled us to reach a broader audience while maintaining cost-efficiency, making it an ideal choice for this campaign.



Through a strategically planned and executed Google Ads campaign, Feature Digital successfully generated high-quality leads for The campaign’s success demonstrates the power of Google Ads in generating leads, highlighting its efficiency and effectiveness in achieving significant business goals within a short period. By leveraging advanced targeting and continuously optimizing the campaign, we were able to exceed expectations and deliver exceptional results for our client.


In just 14 days, we brought in 45 high-quality leads through the contact form on the website, demonstrating the significant potential of a well-executed google ads campaign. Our targeted approach, combined with continuous optimization and precise audience targeting, ensured that could achieve its goal of generating cost-effective leads from Australia. The success of this campaign underscores the importance of choosing the right advertising platform and strategy to achieve outstanding results.

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