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Interactive Screenshots: Chrome’s New Method For Faster Loading Pages

The brand-new version of Google Chrome takes advantage of modern technologies to speed things up. It was recently reported that Google Chrome now uses interactive screenshots to improve website load times by up to 20% using an innovative feature named “Freeze Dried Tabs”, the browser can pause loading pages until they’re needed, allowing the user… Continue reading Interactive Screenshots: Chrome’s New Method For Faster Loading Pages

Google’s New “Helpful Content Algorithm Update” Is Now Official

Google has updated its algorithms several times already. The last big update was back in mid-April 2017. Since then, things have slowly started to return to normal. As always, Google changes its algorithms periodically to improve the quality of search results. This time, they announced a major change called the “helpful content algorithm.” The announcement… Continue reading Google’s New “Helpful Content Algorithm Update” Is Now Official

Ways to Keep your Website from Being Penalized by Google

How do you tell whether or not your site is being penalized by Google? Are you worried about being penalized or banned as well? If you’re curious about it, then it’s imperative to understand how Google thinks before it can happen to your website. Google owns over 70% of search traffic – that means your… Continue reading Ways to Keep your Website from Being Penalized by Google

What Exactly Happens When Google Updates Its Search Engine?

Google updates its algorithms from time to time. Many businesses don’t even realize these changes exist until they happen. How often does search ranking change? Where can you get detailed information on those updates? Google runs its algorithm 24/7. In order to ensure that their search results are relevant to everyone, they continuously run tests… Continue reading What Exactly Happens When Google Updates Its Search Engine?

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