Google Introduces AI-powered Search Generative Experience (SGE) for SEO Optimization

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In many fields, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a game-changing technology across various domains, and search engines are no exception. Google has made tremendous progress in incorporating AI into its primary search product. By utilizing cutting-edge generative AI models, Google hopes to transform the search experience with the launch of Google AI Search (SGE) and the inventive chatbot Bard. This article explores the subtleties of Google AI Search and Bard, including their benefits, drawbacks, and effects on consumers’ search queries.

Google Search AI

By combining generative AI, Google AI Search has provided a disruptive approach to its conventional search operations. Google announced the launch of Google Search AI at the 2023 Google I/O event. This new tool’s main goal is to provide users with more conversational and contextually relevant replies as opposed to a standard list of links.

An experimental component of Google Search called Search Generative Experience (SGE) adds AI-powered pictures of important information to the search results. Users can access text responses to their search queries as well as other important information from these snapshots.

Additionally, Google has launched a Conversational mode that enables users to interact with the search engine by asking follow-up questions and having conversations with it. Users can fine-tune their search queries and get more specialized and personalized information by using this function, which is similar to Microsoft’s Bing Chat AI.

In order to participate and test out the new AI-powered search experience (SGE), interested people in the US can join the Google Labs SGE trial queue as it is presently being pushed out. Users may anticipate a more tailored, dynamic, and interesting search experience as this experiment develops thanks to AI technology.


Both Microsoft and Google have released some sort of AI-powered search. Google’s Search Generation Experience (SGE) is provided as an experiment only, and is only available in the United States. However, early impressions of AI search show some strong signs that search is about to change. In a way, AI search optimization will be “more of the same ” because you have to adhere more closely to SEO guidelines such as Google’s E-E-A-T. 

However, practical changes are also on the horizon – how various parameters should be prioritized when creating and optimizing content. The AI snapshot in SGE provides users with a generated summary and some featured websites. Often, a snapshot is sufficient to answer your query. Otherwise, featured sites may suffice.

That means the normal search results shown below the AI snapshot might not get as much attention. Therefore, when AI search completely takes over, it will be very important to get high quality backlinks and recommendations, which will affect your content. In the world of AI search, it’s not enough to just have great content, anyone can make great content with the AI tools available.


Google created the AI chatbot Bard, which is comparable to the well-known ChatGPT. It provides innovative abilities and a lot of information to help users create code snippets, resolve math issues, and more. Bard acts as a supportive friend or a virtual assistant.

a person holding a cell phone in their hand

Bard, which uses Google’s more sophisticated large language model (LLM), known as PaLM 2, lacks the web-browsing features of standard Google Search. However, it excels at producing writing that appears human-like when given instructions. Bard draws on its considerable training on a massive quantity of text data to give insightful and thorough responses.

Bard defines itself as a trained conversational artificial intelligence or chatbot that is informative and comprehensive. It’s a large language model trained on vast amounts of text data, enabling it to communicate and generate human-like text in response to various prompts and questions. For example, Bard can provide factual topic summaries or create stories.


The use of Bard, the chatbot from Google, comes with several benefits;

Up To Date Information: Unlike other AI chatbots, Google Bard uses the power of Google Search to provide the latest information from around the web. This feature has proven invaluable for research purposes and gathering up-to-date data on a variety of topics.

Human-like dialogue: Bard is good at understanding natural language prompts, whether through text input or spoken commands (Voice Search). The conversations it has are very similar to human interaction, making it an easy-to-use chatbot. Its conversational features are comparable to ChatGPT and Bing Chat.

Specific generative skills: Bard is able to write creatively and generate content in a variety of styles and formats, from news articles and blog posts to letters and emails, acting as your personal assistant.

Voice Search support: For convenience and accessibility, the Google Bard accepts voice commands. You can easily use the microphone option to input prompts into the chatbot. This feature differentiates it from OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which does not offer native language support.


Google AI Search and Bard are both AI-powered technologies developed by Google that aim to enhance search capabilities and provide users with more relevant and accurate information. While they have similarities in their use of AI, they serve different purposes and cater to different needs. Let’s take a closer look at each of them

Key Similarities between Google AI Search and Bard

AI Integration: Both Google AI Search and Bard utilize AI technologies to improve their functionalities. They leverage advanced language models and generative AI to generate human-like responses and engage in meaningful conversations.

Real Time Access: Google AI Search with Bard competes with ChatGPT, an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI. Both Google and OpenAI aim to provide AI-powered search and chatbot capabilities to users, and their technologies strive to deliver accurate and relevant information and above all, up-to-date data from the web.

Advancements in AI Search: Both Google AI Search and Bard represent advancements in AI-powered search. They aim to enhance the precision, relevance, and quality of search results, offering you a more comprehensive and satisfying search experience.

Key Differences between Google AI Search and Bard

Purpose and Functionality: The primary difference between Google AI Search and Bard lies in their purpose and functionality. Google AI Search is designed to enhance traditional search experiences by providing more precise and relevant search results. It is suitable for informational queries and locating specific information online. On the other hand, Bard is a chatbot with a persona that can hold human-like conversations. It is intended for creative collaboration, such as generating software code or writing captions for photos.

User Interaction: Google AI Search primarily focuses on providing textual search results to users based on their queries. It aims to deliver accurate and informative responses to user searches. In contrast, Bard is designed to engage in interactive conversations with users, allowing for a more conversational and collaborative experience.

Integration with Google Products: Google AI Search is tightly integrated with Google’s core search product and can be accessed through the traditional Google search bar. It enhances the search experience within Google’s ecosystem. On the other hand, Bard is an AI chatbot developed by Google and can be accessed separately from Google AI Search. It serves as a standalone conversational tool for creative collaboration.


In conclusion, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into search engines has brought about transformative changes, and Google has emerged as a leader in this domain. Through the introduction of Google AI Search (SGE) and the innovative chatbot Bard, Google aims to revolutionize the search experience by leveraging advanced generative AI models.

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